How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?

surveyor conducting a home inspection

With its beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities, Southern California is constantly attracting new homeowners. However, before you make that final purchase, you’ll need to go through a home inspection, and you’re probably wondering how long that will take.

Home inspections aren’t as much of a hassle as you think, and they can be a straightforward process. We tend to forget about the upkeep of our homes. But, our homes, just like ourselves, need check-ups.

We’ll go over everything you need to know about home inspections, such as:

  • How long does a home inspection take?
  • How can you prepare for one?
  • When is the best time for a home inspection?

Legal Policies to Know

According to the California Department of Housing and Community Development, you must complete a home inspection if you want to make alterations to an already manufactured home.

All houses built must abide by the State Housing Law program, a set of legal policies defined by the state to ensure that each newly built property abides by health and safety regulations.

Home inspections work to guarantee that your house is up to the current code and regulations of the state laws based on the California Building Standards Code.

Typically, an inspection looks at:

  • The overall structural integrity of the home
  • The inner systems: such as plumbing, heating, water, and electricity
  • All windows, roofs, doors, and rooms

When is the Best Time for a Home Inspection?

The best time for a home inspection is before you make the final purchase of your prospective house. Once you’ve found a home that you’re ready to purchase and have sorted out the details, you must check the structural integrity before sealing the deal, as this will let you know whether there will be additional costs or necessary renovations.

You don’t want to purchase a house only to find out afterward that there is a major need for structural reconstruction or significant flaws. To avoid future headaches, book an inspection before purchasing the home you love. 

How Long Does a Home Inspection Take?

Usually, a home inspection only takes a couple of hours. Between two to four hours is the average time for a home inspection. The official report will take a couple of days to complete.

It’s important to note that the exact time depends on the overall size of your home—the bigger the home, the longer the inspection.

How to Prepare for a Home Inspection?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of home inspections, we can move to preparation! Follow these steps to get ready for the assessment: 

Clean Your House

  • Be sure to clear your home of clutter so that the inspector can work with ease.
  • Clean out areas around plumbing, electricity, and appliances, such as under your sink or around your breaker box.

Keep Interior Doors Unlocked

  • Unlock the doors to the basement, rooms, and backyard.

Turn On Utilities 

  • The inspector will check the water and heating systems.
  • Ensure that the electrical panels are labeled.

Check Lighting 

  • Ensure that the lighting is working correctly.

Home inspections are a crucial part of making sure your new home is stable and safe for years to come. Inspections can ease the stress of becoming a new homeowner if you know what to expect and how to prepare! 

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